Signs of Reverence - On this great Solemnity of Corpus Christi, I want to acknowledge some of the inspiring ways I see many of you showing signs of reverence for the Eucharist in the church and during Mass. In a culture of ‘casual’ and “informality,” it takes extra effort to show honor and respect to the Real Presence of Christ when we are in church. Here are a few traditional ways we give God reverence of which we sometimes need reminded on details: 1. Genuflection - ...READ MORE
Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession...Next Sunday, June 2, the same Spirit of Pentecost will be with us at our feast of Corpus Christi (Body and Blood of Christ) as we prayerfully walk one mile from church to our old church (School Chapel). Logistics: The procession will flow out of the 10:30 Mass. You can either process with us or meet us in front of the old church on Third and Oak Street at 11:40. Plan to carve out an hour (11:45 - 12:45) to join us for this very special procession down Lincoln Avenue...READ MORE
This feast of Pentecost has always been called the “Birthday of the Church” as the Holy Spirit gave ‘birth’ to a new beginning for all followers of Jesus. Today’s feast is an opportunity for us to reflect on how each of us continue to ‘add to’ the ongoing growth and mission that the Spirit gave to us as a Church. I want to personally thank each of you for the ways that you reveal to me the variety of gifts that the Holy Spirit pours upon us. Today’s Pentecost Festival is a testament of God’s Spirit so alive and present in our midst. I am so grateful for ...READ MORE
INFANT BAPTISM CLASS - Saturday, May 25 at 2:00 p.m. - Room 3. For parents that have not attended a Baptism Class at St. Clare and wish to have their child baptized here. Please call the parish office if you plan to attend! (618) 632-3562.
Liturgical Ministries Signups! I want to extend an invitation to everyone—yes, each person in the parish!—to become a part of our liturgical ministry program. Serving in a liturgical ministry is a great way to deepen your participation in and understanding of the Sunday Mass. Next week, we will celebrate the Solemnity of Pentecost. Commitment cards will be turned in that weekend as we recall that the Holy Spirit has given each of us different gifts for the benefit of the Church...READ MORE
Save the Date! Sunday 19 May- Celebrate the Holy Spirit in our Parish! I want to encourage you to save the date and be a part of our annual Parish Pentecost Festival on Sunday, May 19. For those who are new to the parish or have never been before, this is a super fun, great food and music event to celebrate the Spirit of Pentecost and the diverse ethnicities within our own parish. Tickets go on sale after Mass this weekend – just $5 per person or $30 per family for a feast of great ethnic foods. There will be a wide variety of food booths representing ...READ MORE