Happy Anniversary! I like how our Oktoberfest celebration is always held on the weekend closest to the anniversary of the dedication of our new church, which was on September 30, 2007. For those who are new around St. Clare, this marks our 16th year of being in this beautiful church and we couldn’t be more excited about all the great things that have happened at St. Clare during these blessed years as well as those yet to come! The Oktoberfest is not only a great event for the whole ...READ MORE
Oktoberfest Hospitality...As we gear up for our main parish fun/fund-raiser next weekend, make sure you invite all your neighbors, family members, and workmates. Thanks so much to all of you who are going out of your way to help us sell raffle tickets, including sharing our online link to out-of-town family members! We still have plenty of time slots open needing volunteers, so stop by the table after Mass or see the link online...READ MORE
Following Jesus’ Call to Serve the Poor… One of the most inspiring ministries in our parish is the work done by those in our St. Vincent de Paul organization. These people do their best to serve God’s “least ones” who struggle daily to have food to eat, a place to live, and other basic human needs. Our parishioners in these ministries follow the example of Saints Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac, who began serving the homeless in Paris in the early 1600’s. In our parish, many help with...READ MORE
Choosing Holy Moments…This past Christmas, we handed out 1,200 free copies of the book “Holy Moments” by Matthew Kelly, thanks to a generous donor. We ran out before everyone got one, which is good news in a sense. You may have received another copy in your US Mail recently or heard someone say they got a free book mailed to them. We were blessed again with a generous donor who wanted every household in our region to get a copy of this simple, inspiring book. Copies were mailed...READ MORE