Parish Letter Writing Campaign on International Food Security and Development - July 8-9, after each Mass. Stop by the table in the Gathering Space after Mass to receive a sample letter/template, information, and supplies to write a letter to your U.S. Representative (we will have a QR Code and weblink for you to find out who your representative is, if you do not know). O'Fallon is split between two U.S. Legislative Districts, and the U.S. Representatives (Bost and Budzinski) for both districts are on the Agriculture Committee which drafts the Farm Bill (it is renewed every five years). The Farm Bill controls, funds, and reauthorizes a variety of international food and agricultural assistance programs. Now, as they work on their draft for the Farm Bill, is the time to make sure they know that we care about prioritizing international food aid and agricultural development to help combat hunger and malnutrition across the globe...READ MORE
RETURN: DISCOVER HOW TO DRAW YOUNG ADULTS BACK TO THE CHURCH - The St. Clare Men’s Group invites all men to a 4-part “How To” Series to help us better engage with, accompany, and bring young adults home. June 10, July 8, Aug 12 & Sept 9..READ MORE
Celebrating God’s Blessings - As we celebrate our country’s Independence Day, we give thanks to God for the rights and freedom bestowed on us through His Holy Spirit. While the Supreme Court and our government determine some of our ‘rights,’ ultimately our freedom comes from God who desires all people to live in peace and freedom. Our country and our world need so much prayer in order that all people can live in the freedom that God intends for us. I want to encourage you to participate in our 24-hour Eucharistic Adoration this Sunday through Monday Noon to pray in a special way for our country going through divisiveness, violence, and injustice. ...READ MORE
Celebrating Our Beautiful Church Building - Many visitors and new parishioners often ask questions about our church and artwork once they see our beautiful building. I want to remind everyone of the video series I created a couple years ago that describes in detail the various components of our church architecture and its artwork. The link to these videos is below and also on our website, under the tab “Our Parish.”...READ MORE
Generous Servants...We are blessed with many volunteer leaders in our parish who take time out of their own work and family schedules to keep our many ministries so vibrant in the Spirit. One group of volunteers I want to especially thank this week are our parishioners who have served on the School Board this past year: Jessica Kalmer, Tim Claxton, Matt Warchol, Jeff Guenther, and Jen Tebbe. I am especially grateful for Jessica Kalmer, who has faithfully served as...READ MORE
Gratitude for Your Support! It takes a lot to run a parish family – primarily, faith-filled, loving, generous people. Your extra support is needed as we face a small shortfall at the end of our fiscal year on June 30. You can see what we need and why in the message and summary report below from Toni Stanton, our part-time business manager. I am so grateful to her for donating many extra hours to keep us running smoothly. This report is our Operating Budget of weekly expenses ...READ MORE
Four Candidates to Be Received into the Full Communion of the Catholic Church This Sunday, at the 8:30am Mass, we are receiving 4 candidates (already baptized) into the Full Communion of the Catholic Church through the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. Brittany Wicinski, Sarah Surrey, Josh Flint, and Matthew Lands have been preparing to become Catholic through ...READ MORE
Signs of the Holy Spirit…Praise God for the amazing feast of Pentecost last Sunday and the beautiful festival of the Holy Spirit that so many of our parishioners helped make happen! I can’t say thanks enough to all of those who gave so much of their time and talent for the Pentecost Festival: + The Hospitality Committee, led by Jaclyn Gross, and our set-up crew were there most of Saturday and all day Sunday doing the prep, serving, cleaning up and taking down – wow!...READ MORE