Celebrating Catholic Schools - Each year at the end of January, Catholic parishes around the country celebrate ‘Catholic Schools Week.’ We do this for several reasons: 1. To thank all of our parishioners for their prayerful and financial support of this important ministry in our parish. 2. To promote the value of Catholic schools to those who may not be familiar with this parish ministry that helps parents pass on the faith to their children. 3. To help the school children realize ...READ MORE
Are you discerning a vocation to the Priesthood? - You’re invited to a gathering with Bishop McGovern focused on God’s call and discernment on Sunday, January 29 at the Cathedral of Saint Peter, 200 West Harrison Street, Belleville. Meet some of our seminarians, gain some insight from the presenters and get to know other men who are discerning a vocation to the priesthood. Please RSVP by Wednesday, January 25 via email to Patti Warner in the Vocations office at [email protected] in order to prepare for breakfast. ...READ MORE
Being Catholic...The word “catholic” (with a small ‘c’) means “universal.” With a capital “C,” it means our specific religion within the family of all Christians. One of the many beautiful parts of being Catholic is our connection to the Pope, all bishops of the world, and all Catholics around the globe. More particularly, we are blessed to be a part of our Catholic Diocese of Belleville, with our bishop Mike McGovern, who leads with a shepherd’s care. I want to thank all of you who, in the past year, donated toward our Diocesan Annual Appeal CSMA (Catholic Service and Ministry Appeal). I am so pleased to announce that we reached our goal of ...READ MORE
High school youth and eighth graders: We are headed to Steubenville Youth Conference! July 14-16 in Springfield, Missouri. Steubenville STL Mid-America is a high-energy youth conference where thousands of teens are invited to encounter Jesus Christ through dynamic speakers, engaging music, the sacraments, small group discussions, and fellowship with other teens. Want to know more? Informational meetings: 6:05 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 28 or 8:35 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 29 Meeting Room 3
Ordinary Time of Discipleship...We now enter into this holy season that the Church calls “Ordinary Time”, which lasts until Lent (beginning on Ash Wednesday), February 22. The universal Church will primarily be reading the Gospel of Matthew on Sundays (Mark on weekdays). Matthew invites us to consider all the connections between the Old (Hebrew) Testament and the life of Jesus so that we recognize Him as the long-awaited Messiah and stay committed as ...READ MORE
I H S Meaning… We are so blessed at St. Clare Church to have such beautiful artwork in statues, stained glass, icons, paintings, and more. Catholic teachings on church art and architecture require that all things in churches be created of true beauty and the original work of artists. Here in our parish, we have worked hard at keeping true to these teachings by always searching for faith-filled, excellent artists when selecting new pieces for our church...READ MORE