A National Holiday to Pray for Peace and Unity - We need this national holiday more than ever to help us remember some of our core values as people of a United States. At a time when we witness so much division and angst as a country over various issues, we Christians must put our Mission - love, community, forgiveness, Jesus - before any allegiance to a political party. Of course, living our Mission of love and unity begins in our homes and families by what we teach our children and grandchildren. But let’s all make an extra effort at being Christian models of unity and peace out in the community as well. READ MORE
Thank You VBS Volunteers! Thank you to the parents and grandparents who brought their children to our Vacation Bible School this past week. The fun-filled learning event teaches children ages 4-10 wonderful Bible stories centered on a different theme each year. As they rotate through the various centers, they learn more about those Bible stories through games, crafts, music, recreation and prayer. Even the snacks follow each day’s theme. It really is an exciting week, which these children always remember!...READ MORE
St. Clare Parish Centers Itself in the Holy Eucharist...On this annual feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, Catholics around the world renew their commitment to our belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. In a world of skepticism and secular doubts about ‘reality,’ we have an opportunity to boast to others about the most “real” gift that God has given to us – the Body of Christ to eat so that we can be filled with God’s Love and Mercy...READ MORE
ST CLARE CATHOLIC MEN'S GROUP Please join other St. Clare men this month as we gather to help the Poor Clare nuns maintain the grounds at their Monastery. We will meet at 8:15 a.m. Sat. June 11 at the Monastery, 300 N. 60th St., Belleville, to say the rosary and will begin grounds work at 8:45 a.m. and be done NLT 12:00. .. READ MORE
Pentecost leads us to the Eucharist… Praise God for the amazing feast of Pentecost last Sunday that so many of our parishioners helped make happen! I can’t say thanks enough to all of those who gave so much of their time and talent for the Pentecost Festival: The Hospitality Committee, led by Jaclyn Gross, and our amazing “set-up crew” were there most of Saturday and all day Sunday doing the prep, serving, cleaning up and taking down....READ MORE
From Pentecost to “Corpus Christi” ...an ongoing Solemnity! This great feast of the Holy Spirit challenges us to become more AWARE of all the ways God’s Holy Spirit of Love is active in our lives, sustaining and carrying us through life…toward heaven. The primary way that God wants to renew us and get inside of us with His Spirit of Love and Peace is through the Holy Eucharist. Thus, we have a great Catholic Tradition of a Eucharistic Procession of ‘showing’ the Eucharistic Body of Christ to the world by processing through the streets with the Sacred Host in a monstrance, asking the Lord to bless our town and country with God’s Mercy and Peace. This feast and procession...READ MORE