24-Hour Eucharistic Adoration: Sunday, February 6 after 10:30 Mass until Monday, February 7 Benediction at 11:45 a.m.; Followed by Noon Mass. Come spend some quiet time in Adoration! If you can commit to an hour, sign-up sheets are on the table in the Gathering Space or sign up online at...READ MORE
Welcome New Staff Member - For the past three and a half years, we have been blessed to have Jett Cates as our Church Facility Manager. In addition to the daily running of our campus, Jett led us through the big challenge of moving the parish offices to our new building in November of 2020. One of Jett’s many gifts is his faith that he put into practice in the way he cared for our parishioners while also “getting the job done.” ...READ MORE
Mark your calendars for a retreat in everyday life. Pray on your own 20 minutes each day and meet one-on-one with a spiritual companion one hour each week for four weeks. Morning, afternoon and evening meeting times available (offered virtually and in person). Starts March 13. ...READ MORE
Sunday of the Word of God—Third Sunday of Ordinary Time--In September of 2019, Pope Francis declared the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time as “Sunday of the Word of God.” In his Apostolic Letter “Aperuit Illis,” he highlights several connections between the importance of the Word of God and the scriptures heard on this Sunday in all three lectionary cycles. The full text of that letter can be ...READ MORE
Celebrating Catholic Schools--Each year at the end of January Catholic parishes around the country celebrate ‘Catholic Schools Week.’ We do this for several reasons: ♦ To thank all our parishioners for their prayerful and financial support of this important ministry in our parish. ♦ To promote the value of Catholic Schools to those who may not be familiar...READ MORE
Marriage, Divorce & Annulment: Realities & Myths Thursday, Jan. 27, 6:30-8:00 pm, Fellowship Hall Learn about the Church’s definition of marriage, the difference between divorce and annulment, what is involved in the annulment process, and how an annulment can bring great healing.
Exodus 90: Live Different: Jan. 17 - April 16 Embrace a 90-day spiritual exercise for men that provides a path to freedom through prayer, self-denial, and fraternity. Go to www.exodus90.com, or contact Patrick Costello with questions or to join ([email protected], 812-223-1846).
It is because of donors like YOU that the ImpactLife blood center is continuously able to provide lifesaving blood products to patients in need. See below for details on the upcoming blood drive. St. Clare of Assisi Catholic Church and School Masks and appointments required! DONORS GET THEIR CHOICE OF A ST. PATRICK’S DAY THEMED SHIRT OR A GIFT CARD!...READ MORE
Understanding our Catholic Liturgical Year ... After the Advent-Christmas Season, we now transition into the liturgical season of “Ordinary Time.” The connotations of the term "ordinary" in English might have people under the wrong impression that the Church finds these weeks unimportant. Nothing could be further from the truth. The word “ordinary” comes from the Latin word ordinalis, which refers to ...READ MORE
Infant Baptism Class Sunday, Jan. 23 at 2:00 p.m. Meeting Rm. 3 - This class is for parents that plan on having their child baptized at St. Clare Church and have not attended a previous class. Please call the parish office at 618-632-3562 to register.
Monday, Jan. 17 at 10:00 a.m. - Fellowship Hall - Please note this new time for the months of January and February. We hope you are able to join us for our morning meeting, refreshments and stay for Mass at 12:00 p.m. All women of the parish are welcome to join us.
Amazing Blessings of 2021...In the midst of many challenges we all faced in the past year, I have been focusing on the many blessings I have witnessed here in our parish family of St. Clare of Assisi. I am most grateful for those of you who are here each weekend for Mass and the Sacrament of the Eucharist. While there are still a number of parishioners who have not returned since ...READ MORE
ST CLARE CATHOLIC MEN'S GROUP-Saturday, 8 January from 8:00-9:30AM -Meeting Room 3- Please join other St. Clare men to grow in prayer, fellowship and spiritual nourishment. We will say the Rosary at 730AM in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel if interested. If you have any questions, please contact Ken Smith, at 618-960-3863 or [email protected].
Are you looking for a way to be more connected to others you worship and pray with every week? Wondering how you might grow in your faith and spirituality? Gather with other women of St. Clare Parish as we host a Blessed is She program focused on The Our Father prayer. Blessed is She promotes a sisterhood of women who desire two things: PRAYER and COMMUNITY. We would love to have you join us...READ MORE