Triduum Liturgies 2021...Like drive-by birthday parades, plexiglass screens, mask lanyards, and so much more, we have adapted every aspect of our lives to “work” with COVID. Even as science and modern medicine tells us that the end is in sight, we are still “making it work” until we get the all-clear sign. We all have a favorite Triduum liturgy...READ MORE
Every year, around the world, the Catholic Church initiates unbaptized adults and older children into the Body of Christ through Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. This year, at St. Clare, we are excited to initiate Alexis Deets and her son, Owen Frazier...READ MORE
Holy Week 2021...This year, we are so fortunate to be able to celebrate these sacred days together. Like almost everything else in our lives, still, there will be modifications this year to how we gather and celebrate these liturgies. Let’s start with signups…READ MORE
The Meaning of Incense at Mass...Since we are using incense at Sunday Mass during the Lent and Easter seasons, I like to give my once-a-year overview of its importance in Scripture and our Catholic liturgy. And, since some people cannot be around incense for health issues, I point out that we do not use it during the Saturday evening Mass. The use of incense is an expression of prayer...READ MORE
CSMA - What it means to belong to a Diocese… One of my jobs as a pastor is to help keep our parish connected to the ‘bigger Church’ of the diocese and the universal Catholic Church. Our own Diocese of Belleville includes over 100 parishes throughout southern Illinois. The diocese has a variety of offices run by lay people who provide resources for each parish to have great ...READ MORE