Sunday of the Word of God—Third Sunday of Ordinary Time
In September of 2019, Pope Francis declared the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time as “Sunday of the Word of God.” In his Apostolic Letter “Aperuit Illis,” he highlights several connections between the importance of the Word of God and the scriptures heard on this Sunday in all three lectionary cycles. The full text of that letter can be read by
CLICKING THIS LINK. At our parish liturgies this weekend, you will notice various ways we highlight “Sunday of the Word of God”—music selections, petions in the Universal Prayer, and the special enthronement of the Book of the Gospels.
We are blessed at St. Clare with many ministries and practices that give great reverence to the Word of God year round—not just on this Sunday! I would like to recognize and thank those who are Readers, Catechists for Children’s Liturgy of the Word and the Rite of Christian Initiation, and Bible Study Leaders.
Margaret Andrasko - Mark Arbogast - Dan & Tara Ashbaker - Angela Burns - Jim Calandro - Jim Collins- Andrew Colombe - Stacey & Aidan Cutter - Kathy DeVan - Jamie Eros - Heather Ertel - Matthew Flynn- Leslie Goldberg - Michael Gramelspacher - Ellen Gravlin - Gabby Hickey - Dennis Holdener - Jason Homrig -Steve Hughes - Karen Jalbert - Dan Kimutis - Molly, Casper, and Rachel King - Robert & Merlie Kirchgessner- Patty Klingelhoefer - Alicia & Madison Luechtefeld - Shawnee Magparangalan - Bonnie Manion Bill Matzker - Percy & Judy Menzies - Ann & Gabrielle Millikin - Joe Motowski - Kevin Mulheran- Wes Nolden - Mark & Amie O’Connor - Jessie & Hitomi Oyakawa - Pennie & Hannah Pavlisin- Isabella & Olivia Ponciroli - Tanja Ramsby - Matthew Range - Leonard Ratajczyk - Erin Reilly - Tim Richardson- Sharon Ripplinger - Sella Roman - Kim Sabella - Claire Shea - Barb, Adeline, and Audrey Smith- Ken & Jeanne Smith - Rachel Strong - Katie Szwedo - Lucy Ueda - Edgar Villaruel - Jenny Vogt