MINISTRY SIGNUPS COMING SOON! The Parish Ministry Booklet and signup card should be arriving in your mailbox soon!
COMMITMENT WEEKEND AUGUST 21-22 Mark down the ministries that are right for you, including current ministries in which you wish to continue. Then, bring your card to church and join the celebration at Masses August 21-22 as we come together to offer God our gifts of time and talent in gratitude for all He does for us. What makes St. Clare Parish special? In part, it’s the countless opportunities available to use our talents and time to serve God’s Kingdom and each other. There’s no better way to meet new people and strengthen your bond to the parish and the Lord than by participating in some of our many, MANY ministries! To help you prepare for signup weekend, you’ll find detailed ministry descriptions in the booklet. There are lots of ministries perfect for young and not-so young, singles, couples, friends, or entire families to serve in together, so be sure to take the time to find some ministries that are your perfect match! Many thanks and blessings for generously sharing your time and talent with St. Clare Parish!
Your time and talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift to God.