I am so happy to invite you to a special day of prayer on Tuesday, November 3rd, for God to bless our country with peace and reunite us as a People of God. We all know that there is much division and angst in our country over various issues. As Christians and Catholics, there is one thing we all want – peace and unity. This is a ‘tall order’ to ask of God, but worthy of a day of prayer for sure.
On November 3, before or after you vote, I invite you to stop by our church for some quiet time in front of the Blessed Sacrament as we beseech God to reign down the Spirit’s Peace and gift of Unity upon our country. This is a prayer day to place before God any upset, angry, or judgmental feelings toward either political party and simply be in the calming, loving presence of Jesus. This is the sole intention we offer that day since it is a shared desire regardless of how we vote.
We will be joining many other parishes around the country who are also offering a whole day of Eucharistic Adoration for the gifts of God’s Unity and Peace to come upon us all.
In addition to peace in our country, you may have other ‘restless’ things going on in your heart and mind that need Jesus’ calming, healing Presence to heal.
Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for us.
Fr. Jim Deiters