Here at St. Clare, we are doing everything we can to keep our church and offices open while also keeping everyone safe during these trying times of the COVID-19 Pandemic. With the rise in cases and serious health problems it is causing in our area, I want to remind everyone of how they can stay safe and be a blessing to fellow parishioners by following safety guidelines.
have been inspired by the way our parishioners are doing their best to respect other parishioners’ health when here at church. However, our local hospitals have asked us to do some reminding ----
Simple ways for us to respect each other: 1. Wear your mask from the time you enter the building until you leave, and use sanitizer provided at the church entrance. (All Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers do extra sanitizing before distributing Communion.)
2. If you are arriving early for Mass, please move to the center of the pew to make room for others still arriving. We have been needing the extra space in the pews.
3. In the pew, you may sit close with other family members and friends, but please respectfully keep at least 6 feet of space from others.
4. Please note when socializing: we are limited to having 25 people in any area outside of the worship space for Mass. Thanks for remembering that before and after Mass. This “COVID time” is very difficult for all of us, and none of us likes the limitations it requires. But this is indeed a “Pro-Life Issue,” and these relatively small sacrifices could possibly save someone’s life… So, thank you for thinking of others!
Peace, Fr. Jim Deiters
P.S. I am away on a silent retreat until Nov. 20. Please know of my prayers for you, as I know of yours for me!