This weekend we begin what is called “
Ordinary Time” in our Catholic Church liturgical calendar, represented in the color green used at Mass now until Advent. It is ironic since our life is anything but ‘ordinary’ these days given the pandemic and all the turmoil going in our country and world. We have to create a new kind of ‘ordinary’ in our home life, our social life, our praying together, and how we do ministry together as a faith community.
I am so grateful to all of you who have stayed faithful in your prayer by either joining us online for Mass and/or coming back to Mass the past two weeks. I also want to remind you of our daily Mass schedule during the summer months as a great way to add 30 minutes of quiet, reflective prayer time to your week. And the church is open daily for other times that you are able to come and spend some quiet time with God. Silence is a beautiful atmosphere for prayer. Mass on a weekday may also appeal to some who are still not ready or feel ‘at risk’ in bigger groups on the weekend.
Thanks for your faithfulness and patience as together we create a new “ordinary time” of what it means to be disciples of Jesus, praising God and serving those in need.