The wonderful success of Oktoberfest recently demonstrates the great generosity of our parishioners and the bountiful graces from God. Our beloved Poor Clare Nuns pray daily for us but especially for our Oktoberfest success and favorable weather…and once again we witnessed the power of their prayers…as they help connect us to God’s Grace! Their spiritual ‘boost’ and the hard work of so many parishioners came together beautifully! I was inspired to see so many new people stepping in to get involved, and some parishioners taking new leadership roles.
As always, there are an unlimited number of people to thank. Our generous chairperson, Tom Knaust, did a great job leading the ‘core team,’ which includes about 50 key people leading hundreds of volunteers. Our awesome set-up and clean-up crew, led by Carl Lurk and Mark Huller, was there around the clock from Friday through Sunday. And our awesome kitchen crew, led by Mandi Huelsman, prepared an incredible meal. Many of you worked many hours behind the scenes, so please know of your parish’s gratitude even if your name is not listed here:
Tom & Kim Knaust, Mark & Mary Huller, David & Jessica Land, Chris Miller, Ryan & Alicia Luechtefeld, Kyle Stein, Joan Guenther, Steve & Barb Smith, Bill Millikin, Pat Kinsella, Matt Joost, Carl & Dawn Lurk, Steve Hughes, Rich Suski, Jill Jones, Mark Richardson, Roy & Sam Rogge, Lucy Ueda, Judy Menzies, Dennis & Pam Holdener, Vonda Walker, Sarah Speakes, Joy Warren, Jaclyn Gross, Jeff King, John & Joanie Burke, Mandi Huelsmann, Judy Bugger, Bob & Joyce Johnson, Ellen Gravlin, Amy Short, Michelle Vandevoorde, Rita Zinn, Andrea Picchietti, Molly King, Dave & Stacey Cutter, Nick & Angie Leonelli, Ruth Holdener, Jane Dotson, Julie Loyet, Laura Pierre, Ken & Jeanne Smith, Nellie Nolden, Tim Sedabres, Deb Zimmerman, Pat Jurgensmeyer and Steve Michelfelder.
All the hours of service we do are for God’s Glory and Honor…as we use the gifts we have been given for the bigger purpose of His Kingdom. Mark the date of September 27, 2025, in your calendar for next year’s Oktoberfest!