Last Saturday, our parish hosted a prayer-retreat day for women centered around the practice of gratitude. I was so pleased to greet almost 50 women that morning over breakfast and thank them for making time for such a prayerful day.
I especially want to thank Kristy Hettenhausen and her lead team members – Lena Hunt, Ellen Gravlin, Joanie Burke, Patricia Sims, Angie Leonelli, Denise Moffett, Laura Michelfelder, Judy Menzies and Toni Stanton… who created this unique experience for women to reflect on and share their experiences of God’s blessings in their life – powerful.
Other upcoming women’s spirituality events include a book study in January, with dates and topics announced soon, and our annual retreat February 17-18. Contact leader Ellen Gravlin for more information at [email protected].
We are blessed with spiritual growth opportunities for women and men that we host regularly, including our men’s prayer group on Saturday mornings we advertise in the bulletin, and the men’s retreat March 16-17.
A life of gratitude that Jesus modeled for us in the Gospels is the core of what we do at every Mass. Thank you for being a witness of gratitude through the giving of your time and donations/tithing.