We are so blessed to have such an active “Respect Life Ministry” here at St. Clare, with lots of faithful members led by Mary Fleming. I am grateful for how this team stays proactive on many life issues. We are honored to be hosting a special Mass with Bishop McGovern on May 31 at 6:00 p.m. to pray especially for various life issues being challenged in our state and local area. See the invitation from our bishop below, and plan to join us for this important prayer time for a greater respect for human life in all its stages.
Dear Friends in Christ,
I am inviting the faithful in our area to gather for Mass on the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, May 31, at 6:00 p.m. at St. Clare Church in O’Fallon. The Visitation celebrates the meeting of the Blessed Mother with her cousin St. Elizabeth as recorded in the Gospel of Luke (1:39-56). This beautiful encounter of two women, each expecting a child, moves us to marvel with them at the gracious goodness of God who is the Author of all life.
In this time when the sanctity of human life is often disregarded, it is important for us to pray together for an increase in respect for human life at all of its stages, with all of its vulnerabilities. Relying on the power of God, we affirm that every human life should be cherished and respected from conception until natural death; hospitals and healthcare agencies should remain committed to preserving life, not ending it; and that the consciences of healthcare workers should be respected and protected so that they are never coerced into actions that violate their spiritual core.
Please join me at St. Clare on Wednesday, May 31 at 6:00 p.m. May Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life give us the strength we need to share the Gospel of Life with families, friends and neighbors.
In Christ, Bishop Michael McGovern Diocese of Belleville