It was 33 years ago, on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, that I was ordained to the Priesthood. Thus it was extra special for me last Sunday to have so many of you join in the Eucharistic Procession, celebrating the Gift of the Eucharist that sustains and enriches our lives in our varied vocations and stages of life.
Last Sunday, someone counted over 200 people who were at the School Chapel for the Benediction and Consecration to the Eucharist prayer after the procession. Thank you for inspiring me with your beautiful devotional life and love of the Eucharist as the center of our life. I also want to thank all of you who sent me cards for my anniversary. The spiritual bouquet cards that many of you wrote with promised prayers meant so much to me.
As I mentioned last weekend, to grow closer to Jesus in the Eucharist, consider adding a weekday Mass to your summer schedule. A simple, reflective 30-minute Mass is a beautiful way to start your day or add to your lunch break. Monday and Thursday at 12 Noon; Tuesday and Friday at 7:30 AM.
Try to become more aware of the graces of the Body and Blood of Jesus in your daily life,
Fr. Jim Deiters
P.S. Thank you for taking the time to read our quarterly financial statement in this bulletin. Thank you for your continued financial support to our parish!