Praise God for the amazing feast of Pentecost last Sunday and the beautiful festival of the Holy Spirit that so many of our parishioners helped make happen! I can’t say thanks enough to all of those who gave so much of their time and talent for the Pentecost Festival:
+ The Hospitality Committee, led by Jaclyn Gross, and our set -up crew were there most of Saturday and all day Sunday doing the prep, serving, cleaning up and taking down – wow!
+ Our parishioners who were the great cooks preparing and serving the incredibly delicious foods from countries represented from all around the world; how wonderful to have our parishioners from so many varied places…revealing the diversity of the Church right here at St. Clare of Assisi!
+ Our amazing choirs and instrumentalists…who lifted us in praise at Mass. The Spirit then leads us to…next weekend when we celebrate the great feast of Corpus Christi…as we Catholics cling to the doctrine of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. It is an opportunity to reflect on how unique our faith is…and teach our children about this unique, powerful belief of ours.
JOIN US for our annual Eucharistic Procession - a one mile prayerful walk to our old church (now the school chapel) on Third Street in O’Fallon. If you cannot do the walk, please join us at the Chapel for Benediction. It is a great tradition to have this procession in which we ‘take into the world’ the Eucharistic Presence of Jesus, asking the Lord to bless our town and country with God’s Mercy and Peace. God’s Peace to you, Fr. Jim Deiters