Many visitors and new parishioners often ask questions about our church and artwork once they see our beautiful building. I want to remind everyone of the video series I created a couple years ago that describes in detail the various components of our church architecture and its artwork. The link to these videos is below and also on our website, under the tab “Our Parish.”
The videos are a great way to learn not only about our own church, but in the videos, I explain a brief theology and historical background to each part of the church and artwork. For example, in one video, I give a history of the Stations of the Cross and describe our own icons, and another has an overview of how we chose the Crucifix in our church. Do you know what our stained -glass windows represent? Do you know about the stone pattern on the walls?
I remind you of these videos to consider using as a “Summer Family Night” at home or maybe watch with the kids in the van/ car while driving to your vacation spot and having a faith conversation about each of them. There are 12 videos, each about 20-30 minutes.