In my column each week, I like to highlight various “good news” items that are happening in our parish. Recently, I gave a shout out to both our Youth Group and Young Adults, two thriving groups of parishioners who bring so much life to our parish. But another very significant group whom I call our ‘pillars’ of the community is our Seniors, the ‘youth’ from a previous generation.
Our Senior Group meets every second Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall and are known for their evenings of laughter, food, friendship and hospitality. Led by long-time parishioners, Judy Bugger and her team, they are always happy to welcome new parishioners to join them. I want to encourage anyone in this age group (55+) to come join the fun and get to some of our other youthful seniors.
As we learn from St. Paul’s letters, the Body of Christ is a beautiful mix of ages, talents, personalities, colors, and race. We are blessed here at St. Clare to have such a great “mix of characters, ages, and talents,” as together we represent the beauty of God’s diversity…and unity.
Thank you “Seniors” for the many ways you bless us with your wisdom, guidance, faith, and commitment to keep serving the Lord!