As most of you know, last Sunday and Monday our diocese hosted a spiritually powerful event of Eucharistic devotions. It was inspiring to have so many people (our St. Clare Youth were well represented!) from around Southern Illinois praying together around the sacraments of Confession and the Eucharist.
This week (Wednesday-Friday), I will be going to Indianapolis for the National Eucharistic Congress, joining thousands of people from around the USA for the ‘closing’ of the three year Eucharistic Revival. I think this is a very special time for us Catholics to keep reminding ourselves and others of this unique part of our Catholic faith – believing in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. I truly believe that we will continue to see beautiful fruits of these Eucharistic events in the next few years and decades.
One thing I will focus on at the Eucharistic Congress is offering prayer intentions for you and your family. I will be raising up special prayers for our parishioners’ health issues and marriages, our youth, the sick and aged, young adults, and our young people discerning their vocation. I will also be lifting up prayers of gratitude for all the blessings and graces God is bestowing upon our St. Clare Parish.
God’s Peace, Fr. Jim Deiters
For those unable to attend the July 18-21 Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis in person, EWTN will be providing coverage, via their television station or: Be inspired!