In the midst of many challenges we all faced in the past year, I have been focusing on the many blessings I have witnessed here in our parish family of St. Clare of Assisi.
I am most grateful for those of you who are here each weekend for Mass and the Sacrament of the Eucharist. While there are still a number of parishioners who have not returned since the start of covid, those of you who are here so loyally inspire me with your faithfulness.
In 2021 we had 89 new households join our parish. We want to offer a big welcome to them as they bless our family! We also have many visitors each weekend who are either new to the area or looking around for a new parish –
Other great blessings in the month of December are the extra donations that came in to help our parish and other charities. I am so inspired by your generosity!
Special Collection for St. Vincent de Paul assisting the poor in our area: $15,200.00
Special Collection for those in the tornadoes of Kentucky: $3,405.00
End-of-year extra donations to our St. Clare Parish: $41,500.00
May we all continue to practice the generosity that God has with us.