Before you look at the finance report from our second quarter posted below, I want to sincerely thank each of you who contribute regularly to help us continue the great ministries we have here at St. Clare…all for God’s Glory and Honor.
Our finance council and I are always transparent with our quarterly reports. The report shows where we are at six months into our annual budget that runs from July-June. Overall, we are in very good shape given the challenges we have faced within this ‘covid year.’ This is our operating budget that covers such things as our school expenses, maintenance, salaries, etc. If everyone keeps giving their very best, we can continue to provide great things for the spiritual well-being of our parishioners.
What a privilege it is for each of us to set aside part of our income each week/month for the important Mission of the Gospel.
“May God continue the good work he has begun in us…”
Fr. Jim Deiters