Here at St. Clare, we are blessed to have so many of our youth on fire with their Catholic faith. Their devotion and energy are inspiring. Here are some highlights:
Our high school youth group continues to draw a full house each Sunday night, thanks to wonderful leaders Joey Lusk, Mary Beth and Louie Khouri and Julie Loyet, the youth’s supportive parents and the youth themselves. The weekly sessions offer faith formation, spiritual growth, prayer, peer support, fun and pizza. And, we have separate boys and girls small groups for further studies.
Two weeks ago, our high school and college students led the “Luke 18” retreat for our eighth graders. Through talks and share groups, our amazing young leaders gave witness to the need for a personal relationship with Jesus. Our eighth graders now join the high school group on Sunday nights for a room full of energy.
Our junior high students have their own youth group through “Crazy 8s” each month. Starting February 18, we will invite sixth graders to join the seventh graders.
This summer, our youth will attend the Steubenville Youth Conference in Springfield, Missouri. This weekend retreat attracts 4,000 young people from around the Midwest to encounter Jesus through speakers, the sacraments and more. Register your youth today (see Page 5 of the bulletin).
We couldn’t have these successful youth programs without the support of the youth, parents, youth leaders and parishioners. Thank you for your witness, donations and prayers.