This past Sunday, during PSR, the 3rd, 4th, and 6th grade classes celebrated the Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens for their classmates Ava (6th), Brayden (4th), and Penelope (3rd), who have been preparing to be fully initiated into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil Mass through the three Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.
Attendees at the 8:30am Mass from now until Easter will see Ava, Brayden, and Penelope be called up and dismissed following the Homily each Sunday. This dismissal is similar to the dismissal we are used to at the end of Mass when we are sent out into the world ("Go forth to love and serve the Lord"), but the catechumens (who are in an intentional time of formation and preparation) are sent out to reflect on and share their joy from hearing the Good News proclaimed through the Scriptures during the Liturgy of the Word.
We also have several other child and adult candidates (already baptized Christians) going through the process of Christian Initiation in order to be received into the Full Communion of the Catholic Church. They do not have to become Catholic at the Easter Vigil, although those who are ready at that time may choose to do so. Please pray for our catechumens—Ava, Brayden, and Penelope— and our candidates—Olivia, Evan, Brittany, Sarah, Josh, Rob, Sheila, Matthew, and Michael—as well as all catechumens and candidates throughout the world who are preparing to become Catholic, especially those who are struggling or have even fallen away from their journey into the Catholic Church.
The Messenger Diocesan Newspaper Renewal Time! Stay connected with our diocese through a subscription to the Catholic newspaper covering the southern 28 counties of Illinois. The Messenger was founded in December 1907 and is published biweekly. A one year subscription cost is $30 for printed paper, $25 for digital or $35 for both and can be paid using the blue bordered envelope in your February envelope packet or online at Please make your check payable to “The Messenger”.
Great News! In case you missed it!! In case you were not here last weekend, we shared the great news that the total pledged from our recent campaign was just under $1,500,000! We express our great gratitude to everyone who made a commitment and donation. We are truly blessed!
I am on vacation for seven days, please keep me in your prayers, as I will pray for you!
Fr. Jim Deiters