Be sure and notice the beautiful painting of Jesus’ nativity scene now hanging in the Gathering Space. It usually hangs in the parish office but we move it here for the Advent and Christmas Season. It was donated to us by the Hospital Sisters of St. Francis (HSHS) a few years ago.
St. Francis of Assisi is credited with creating the first nativity scene in the year 1223 in a cave near Greccio, Italy. Francis had a great devotion to Christmas and resolved to re-create a manger scene for the people of Greccio. He laid the carved image of a baby upon the hay and obtained a live ox and an ass to stand beside the manger.
Word went out to the people of the town, and many came carrying torches and candles. One of the friars began celebrating Mass at the cave and Francis gave the sermon on the miracle of Jesus’ Birth. During the Mass, St. Francis had an apparition of the Christ Child actually being there in the manger.
May this miracle story encourage you to place your own manger scene in a prominent place in your home. Make time to talk with family members and friends about Jesus’ Birth and what it means to you.