Sunday, October 3 after 10:30am Mass until
11:45am Monday, October 4
Benediction at 11:45am
(No Noon Mass)
As October is Respect Life Month and this Sunday is designated Respect Life Sunday, our prayer intentions are dedicated to the Unborn and the sanctity of all life from conception to natural death. Come anytime during the 24 hours to share some quality time with Jesus Truly Present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, Who waits for you to surrender your burdens and worries to Him. He wants to take care of everything so you may have the Peace that He alone can give.
If you can commit to an hour, sign-up sheets are on the table in the Gathering Space or sign up online here:
Enter your name and phone/or email. Then be sure to hit the "Sign me up!" button to add your name to time slot.
Please call the parish office for the keypad code on the door in the Mary Shrine for church access during 6pm-7pm hours.