You are invited to join in a PUBLIC SQUARE ROSARY RALLY Saturday, Oct. 15 12:00 noon – 1:30pm 202 Marilyn Dr., O'Fallon, IL (off Hwy. 50 near S. Lincoln Ave)
Our Rally will be one of over 20,000 rallies that will take place all across the United States on that day to commemorate the 105th anniversary of the Fatima Miracle of the Sun. The intention for our Rosary Crusade is to beg God and Our Lady to save America from today’s immorality and secularism. America definitely needs a divine solution to its spiritual, moral and economic problems! Come and pray with us! Contact: Mary Gomez at 618-416-1616 Bring a Lawn Chair & Dress for the Weather (Cancelled if Inclement Weather) Light Refreshments afterwards