Planting Hope: Brightening the day for nursing home residents in quarantine
Due to COVID-19, many nursing home residents are lonely, isolated, scared, and grieving at a time when we are unable, for their protection, to visit them in person to show them our love and concern. Therefore, we are collecting the fo llowing items to be distributed to nursing home residents:Please put items in bags labeled "Nursing Homes" and place in the nursery by the main doors this weekend (June 13/14).
- Books (large print, if possible)
- Bibles, prayer books (large print, if possible)
- Magazines
- Playing Cards (large print)
- Small potted plants (so they can watch them grow--a sign of hope)
- Seeds, small pots & potting soil would be welcome as well
- Individually wrapped pieces of chocolate or sugar-free candy
- Handwritten cards to residents expressing your care and concern and assuring them of your prayers and support as well as that of our parish
- Feel free to include pictures, drawings, paintings, "sticker art," or other such items from children