This weekend we ‘open the doors’ to our two new wings of parish ministry space…and we couldn’t be more excited! After many years of talking, hoping, and praying about it, with YOUR generous support…we did it! Praise God for the graces that the Spirit showers upon us in order for our parish to continue serving the needs of our parishioners and the many we help in the wider community as well as our ministry in Guatemala.
I am ever so grateful for those of you who have been donating toward the building project, both through the campaign in early 2019 and through the monthly development fund envelope, to help us get this far. It takes the generous help of every family member to ‘pitch in’ as best as you can.
Of course, it is never too late to start your monthly donation, if you have not yet joined your fellow parishioners in this great endeavor. We have raised about 60% of the cost, and I remain confident in the generosity of our parishioners, both long-time ones and all our new parishioners, to keep reducing our debt service.
Our new offices will allow us to strengthen our ministries to meet your needs. And our expanded fellowship hall and kitchen will allow us to provide more space for our adult education ministry, activities for our Senior group and junior high youth group, larger funeral luncheons, and many other social activities to build community among our members.
After Mass this weekend, we invite you to our ‘walk-through’ open house for you to see the ‘fruits of our labors’ and the blessings of God in our midst.
In sincere gratitude,
Fr. Jim Deiters