We are so blessed here at St. Clare Parish to have such faith filled, talented staff members. Without them I would not be able to focus on my primary duties of preaching, ministering the sacraments of God’s Grace, and the pastoral care of our parishioners.
Our staff member, Ed Seipp, has served faithfully as our part-time business manager for the past four years and is now retiring. Before 2016, he also served as CPA financial advisor to our parish for nine years. His invaluable knowledge of finances has been a tremendous help to me and our finance council, especially through the financial planning of our present building project. Ed has also been overseeing the finances of our school for many years. Since most of his work is behind-the-scenes and you might not know him, he has been a true blessing to us! Ed is moving on to retirement from our parish, although he will continue managing the school finances for us.
I am pleased to announce that our new part-time business manager is Mr. Jim Edwards. I have asked Jim to write an introduction of himself for next week’s bulletin. He and his wife Laurie are members of St. Clare Parish and he brings his own set of skills and faith. Ed is working with Jim for these first couple months for training and ‘learning the ropes’ between the financial relationship between the parish, school, and diocese.
Thank you Ed and Jim!
God’s Peace, Fr. Jim Deiters
Please keep me in your prayers as I am away July 27—31. There will be no daily Masses this coming week due to my absence. Please know of my prayers for you!