I enjoy listening to a good number of visitors who join us for Mass each weekend, who are either passing through or looking for a new parish. A couple of things they compliment us about usually center around our prayerful liturgies, the number of young people present, and how vibrant the parish appears. I always respond with “Praise God!” and “yes, we have such generous parishioners!”
For example, I am so inspired by all of you who recently signed up for our “Stewardship Drive” and your willingness to give some of your time for our ministries that help us live out Jesus’ Gospel. That sign-up was in August and for those who turned in a card, by now you should have received a call or email from that ministry leader. If you have not, please call the parish office so we can follow up. Our very successful Oktoberfest was another visible sign of our parish as a “family” of helpers.
We have over 400 people serving in outreach, education/ formation, social, and spiritual life. Nearly 500 volunteers are on the liturgical ministry roster, assisting with Masses on weekends and weekdays. Thank You!
Another important way you show your gratitude to God for your blessings is through your generosity to our weekly/ monthly tithe that helps our operating budget (that keeps all this going!). And the envelope in your packet/online for “Capital Development” helps us pay off our debt on the new church and recent additions. Thank You!
We practice generosity as a reflection of being made in God’s Image…whose generosity toward us brings us back to the Altar each week to give thanks!