Happy Thanksgiving! As a Catholic Church, today we celebrate the great feast of Christ the King, bringing a close to our liturgical year. Next Sunday we begin Advent, which for us is a ‘new year’. In our own nation, our feast of Thanksgiving on Thursday is a great time to truly expand our hearts in gratitude. We often count all the things that we don’t have, comparing our lives to those around us. As Christians and stewards of all that God has given to us, we take time this week to try to practice being grateful on a more regular basis.
My “Thanksgiving gratitude” centers on the privilege it is to be a priest and your pastor. I can’t imagine doing anything else with my life. The greatest joy of my every week is to be with you around the Altar at the Eucharist. I am so very grateful for all the ways you show your support of me and our parish.
With the feast of Thanksgiving, we also remember in our prayers all who suffer or live in poverty. Each November there is a special envelope in our monthly packet (and online) for the very important organization called Catholic Campaign for Human Development. While we are asked to donate to a lot of things, this collection is so critical for many areas in which our Catholic Church is able to offer programs that help the poor right here in our country. I trust you will do what you can to contribute to this very important CCHD Ministry.
God’s Peace to you and your family, Fr. Jim Deiters