The highlight of my past week, besides celebrating Mass with you, was on Monday night when our Stewardship Team hosted an appreciation night for our ministry leaders. About 45 volunteer leaders attended from a wide variety of ministries on a beautiful summer night over drinks and light dinner at the “O’Fallon Station” venue in downtown. It was a night for our Stewardship group and me to primarily THANK our leaders who help oversee our more than 600 volunteers around the parish. It was also a time to sort of ‘kick off’ the start of many ministries that are re-grouping and gathering after a year of Covid hiatus.
The very word ‘stewardship’ is centered in a life of gratitude. The more aware we are of the blessings from God in our life, the more grateful we become, and the more generously we want to share with God and others our time and financial resources. St. Clare Parish is centered in the Eucharist, but also rooted in biblical stewardship of gratitude and generosity.
In addition to all our volunteer leaders, I want to thank each of YOU for the way you do your part in helping our parish and school with your time and treasure. Each and every parishioner has some important way they make a difference in forming the Body of Christ right here in the parish. In August we will have our annual ‘sign-up weekend’ for the many ministries that keep St. Clare vibrant in the Gospel and Holy Spirit.