We are blessed to have so many young people engaged and active here at St. Clare. You see some serving in liturgical ministries at Mass, praying at Adoration and daily Mass and others taking on leadership roles in retreats, Vacation Bible School, Parish School of Religion and other areas of parish life. In addition to our weekly Youth Group, many are involved in our Youth Council, Girls Group and John Paul II Young Men for Christ.
This coming Friday we will bless and send off 42 high school students from St. Clare and 16 from St. Nicholas to the Catholic “Steubenville Youth Conference” in Springfield, Missouri. This is a huge Catholic rally/retreat for youth. I love the opening line on their website: “To bring highschoolers into a lifechanging encounter with Jesus Christ.” Visit steubystl.com or watch the conference at steubystl365.com/live-stream.
Thanks to all our adults who go out of their way when they see our teens at Mass to show your support and encouragement, especially when they are holding the door open for you, altar serving, or have done a great job as a reader or cantor at Mass. Special thanks to our amazing Youth Group and boys’ and girls’ group leaders: Joey Lusk, Mary Beth and Louie Kouri, Julie Loyet, Rachel Strong, Matt Joost and recently retired leader, Karen Jalbert.
Young people: Check out the fourth page in the bulletin each week or the Instagram page @saintclareyouthgroup to see what activities are planned and the schedule for our popular, fun, faith-filled youth group meetings on Sunday nights. Some of those are out here at church and some are at our “Youth Room” in our school in downtown O’Fallon. In addition, our girls’ Bible study group has enriching discussions weekly; for more details, see their Instagram @beloved_girls_group. And our boys’ theology study group offers great discussions and even some adventures; text Gus at 618-236-3638.
Thank you, young people, for inspiring us with your faith and involvement!
Fr. Jim Deiters