What a weekend! Thank you for your support in making our Youth Group’s trip to the Steubenville Youth Conference possible again this year. Our 52 youth (and 14 chaperones) had many great opportunities to encounter Jesus through the sacraments, music Adoration, and inspiring talks alongside 4,800 of their peers! It was powerful, faith-affirming and exhausting!
Our prayer is that these wonderful young people were “illuminated” in the light of Christ (this year’s theme) through these encounters and they in turn will share that light with others in their parish and beyond!
In the three years that we have participated in Steubenville, our Youth Group at St. Clare has grown by leaps and bounds. A key part of that has been Joey Lusk, our lively youth leader. We want to thank him as moves on to a new Air Force assignment. We will miss Joey, who filled the youth meetings with his contagious joy and enthusiasm for our faith.
We are pleased to welcome Julie Loyet as our new youth group coordinator. Julie, a mother of five, brings her wonderful youth leader experience, Southern charm and organizational talents to us. I am excited to work alongside Julie as she oversees our weekly youth nights, our youth council and other youth group needs in our parish.
High school youth: Join us at Youth Group from 6 to 8 p.m. on Sundays. This summer we are meeting in the church Fellowship Hall or at the St. Clare Garden Pavilion – except for tonight’s meeting at Father Jim’s house. Text Julie at 972-898-6296 for more details.
Peace, Jane Dotson Director of Family Faith Formation