As we celebrate our country’s Independence Day, we give thanks to God for the rights and freedom bestowed on us through His Holy Spirit. While the Supreme Court and our government determine some of our ‘rights,’ ultimately our freedom comes from God who desires all people to live in peace and freedom.
Our country and our world need so much prayer in order that all people can live in the freedom that God intends for us. I want to encourage you to participate in our 24-hour Eucharistic Adoration this Sunday through Monday Noon to pray in a special way for our country going through divisiveness, violence, and injustice. As we meditate before the Blessed Sacrament, the Real Presence of Jesus in our midst, it gives us a peace-filled hope that God is still in charge and the Spirit will never give up on us or stop breathing God’s Love upon us.
Whether you can stay after the 10:30 Mass, come in the evening after dinner, or make a sacrificial holy hour in the middle of the night, your quiet time with God in the Eucharist will bring you a peace and joy that nothing else can give. If you can commit to an hour each month at a specific time, be sure and sign up on the sheet in the Gathering Space or call Mary Gomez (618-416-1616) for more information (and to get the ‘code’ for nighttime access). Praise God for His gift of the Holy Eucharist!
May God bless America and our World with the Holy Spirit’s Peace,
Fr. Jim Deiters