When I began this role of Director of Adult Faith Formation almost six months ago, I had little idea that one of the most rewarding parts of the role would be directing the parish OCIA program. It is a privilege to encounter so many people exploring the Catholic faith and walking with them on this part of their journey with Jesus Christ. I want to give you a few updates. The name of RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) has been changed to OCIA, the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults.
The new structure is more like an invitation to candidates and catechumens into the continuous process of spiritual formation. The process invites those in OCIA to become involved in the parish, to attend Mass and OCIA classes. By making the entire process an “order,” the candidate or catechumen understands the rites and sacraments received in church are only part of the ongoing journey of discipleship. They come to understand that this is a journey they will continue for the rest of their lives. This ongoing journey of discipleship and spiritual formation is what we are all called as we live out our lives.
The OCIA program at St. Clare is made possible by a dedicated team of lay people who meet with those making their first inquiries in the Catholic faith and others who share and teach the faith at a weekly class. I am happy to report to you that we currently have 18 candidates/inquirers (those already baptized as Christians) and 7 catechumens (unbaptized). Please join me in prayer that these people will continue to seek out Jesus Christ in their lives and will join us soon in Full Communion with the Catholic Church.
For anyone interested in becoming Catholic, wishing to complete the sacraments, or wanting to learn more about what the church teaches, OCIA is for you. If you are already Catholic and you wish to learn more about your faith, OCIA is also for you. Call the St. Clare Parish Office for more information.