One of my jobs as a pastor is to help keep our parish connected to the ‘bigger Church’ of the diocese and the universal Catholic Church. Our own Diocese of Belleville includes over 100 parishes throughout southern Illinois. The diocese has a variety of offices run by lay people who provide resources for each parish to have great Catholic schools, PSR (Sunday School) programs, and ministries of liturgy, pro-life, service to the poor, and many others.
Once a year our diocese asks each Catholic to support the many services it takes to run a Church that covers all Southern Illinois, from the poorest areas of Cairo, IL, to helping out our own parish and school ministries here at St. Clare. We need each household to do their best in making a pledge to our “Catholic Service and Ministry Appeal.” Many of our own parish ministries are supported by the CSMA and so we benefit directly from your contribution to it.
Our Catholic interpretation of the biblical 10% tithing of one’s income for God, encourages each person to set aside 1% of that tithe to support their diocese and the other 9% divided between one’s own parish and other charities. If you have never given to this important diocesan campaign, please join your fellow Catholics in being an active part of the diocese to which you belong.
Thank you for seeing the ‘bigger picture’ and being committed to being what it really means to be Catholic – being a part of something sacred beyond our own parish. If you did not get a mailing on this sent to you from the diocese, please pick up an envelope on the center table in our gathering space. Or click HERE to give online.