Our parish staff and I express a special welcome to all visitors and all those in our midst who have been away and are ‘coming home’ for Christmas. It is always encouraging to see the church so full for Christmas and I hope and pray that those who are ‘returning to Church’ today will be inspired to join us every Sunday as we all seek to keep God and Sunday Mass as our top priority each week. Special thanks to all of our parishioners who are here so faithfully each weekend to worship God and support your parish.
St. Clare Parish is a place of Christ’s light and hope. Especially in our broken world, we as a parish will continue to be a ‘safe haven’ of peace, hospitality, and hope in all we say and do. Our open doors and prayerful liturgies are our way of being a ‘manger’ of God’s love and welcome to all! In a world of isolation and individualism, we at St. Clare are committed to being a family community with care and concern for both our members and those beyond our doors.
It is such a joy to be your pastor and I am so grateful for your support, love, and prayers throughout the year.
May the Christ Child bring you Peace and Joy!
Fr. Jim Deiters
PS: Be sure to check out our parish website stclarechurch.org for weekly updates of parish activities and other important information. My Sunday homily is also posted on our website each Monday for your reflection. Also, notice in this bulletin a list of all of the upcoming activities and faith formation opportunities happening in the next few months here in your parish.