This week, we move from Advent to Christmas to the Feast of the Holy Family, all within 7 days. Together, we celebrate these holy days around the Altar of the Eucharist and listen to powerful scriptures about the beautiful and surprising ways that God ‘intervenes’ in our lives with His grace and love.
A special welcome this week to all visitors, family members from out of town, those returning to Mass after months or years away, and people from other Christian denominations. The Christ Child’s arms reach out in welcome to all. And I pray that you return each weekend for the many blessings that God wants to give you here in the Eucharist.
A Christmas card I received included an excerpt from a poem by Howard Thurman that gives us all a way to think and act differently this Christmas and New Year.
“When the star in the sky is gone, when the kings go home, when the shepherds are back with their flock… the work of Christmas begins:
To find the lost, to heal the broken, to release the prisoner, to rebuild nations, to bring peace among people, to make music in the heart.”
Merry Christmas! I give praise to God for the blessing of being your pastor and the many opportunities for “doing the work of Christmas” together.
Fr. Jim Deiters
PS: Thank you for making an extra donation to your parish as a Christmas gift and/or End of Year extra gift. Your contributions really do impact the great things happening here at St. Clare Parish.