The generosity of you, our parishioners, always inspires me. The time you donate and your donations/tithing each week keep our parish strong in God’s Spirit, worship, and service of those in need.
In this Advent-Christmas Season giving, please remember your parish in considering an extra ‘year-end’ donation. Whether it be funds from your savings, investments, or other source, thanks for including St. Clare in your end-of -year donations. For some, these donations also serve as a good tax deduction. You can use the “Christmas” envelope in your packet or online or you can contact me or our parish business manager, Jim Edwards, with any questions.
You may also consider an extra donation toward our “Capital Development Fund” envelope that helps us pay off the debt on our new offices and fellowship hall.
Thanks again to each of you who are so faithful in your financial support of your parish. Your donations truly makes a difference!