This weekend, when I watch many of you process forward to return your Stewardship cards, my ‘pastor’s heart’ is filled with gratitude and joy. Like a parent, a pastor feels a sense of pride and accomplishment when the ‘kids’ work together as a family.
Part of St. Clare Parish Mission is to help you get closer to Jesus by living out our baptismal promises and the using the gifts the Holy Spirit gives us for God’s Glory and the betterment of the Catholic Church in our parish. Each ministry that we offer for you to share your time and gifts is a way to live our discipleship by doing our part of being a follower of Christ with others.
On Pentecost this past spring, when we had our other ministry drive for Liturgical Ministries at Mass, I was inspired to learn that we have almost 100 people who stepped forward to commit to a new liturgical ministry here at St. Clare. We have nearly 500 individuals who are involved in at least one liturgical ministry, and many of these parishioners are committed to two or more liturgical ministries. It truly does take a ‘whole family,’ including those whose important role is singing and praying in the pews, to offer beautiful worship of God.
If you forgot your card this weekend, or find it easier to sign up online, we have a link to the ministry booklet and card on our website for you at
Please know of my sincere gratitude for those who serve our parish in leadership roles and those who serve in ministries that are more “behind the scenes.”