24 HOUR EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Sunday, OCTOBER 6 from 11:40am until 11:40am to Monday, OCTOBER 7, followed with Benediction. If you plan on coming during 6pm-7am, please call the parish office by to use a keypad code on the door in the Mary Shrine. Come spend some quiet time in Adoration! If you can commit to an hour, sign-up sheets are on the table in the Gathering Space or sign up online.
First Tuesday of the Month Join Respect Life to pray the rosary at 5:30 p.m. before Quiet on Cross Street.
The celebration of the Eucharist is at the heart of Catholic life and worship. The presence of the risen Christ, through the power of the Spirit, is the source of the Church’s grace, and gives strength to carry out our mission to be the presence of Jesus in the world.
Eucharistic adoration, one of the Church’s devotional prayer forms, flows from the Mass. It provides an opportunity to deepen faith in the presence of Christ among us, and to grow in personal relationship with him. It must always be understood as linked to the Eucharist, and must keep us aware that as baptized members of Christ’s Body, we must go forth from our worship determined to make the presence of Christ known in the world through the witness of our lives.